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creating safer spaces: trans* inclusion in yoga & wellness

When we enter a room and don’t see ourselves reflected in others, or we hear language that is in effect rooted in microaggression and harm, we are more likely to make ourselves small, to contract, repress, disconnect, or even flee. 

This is the opposite of what healing practices like yoga are inviting.

While we cannot guarantee safety in the spaces we hold, we can aim to create safer spaces, and we can aim to create braver spaces.

Join me for this three-hour workshop to explore how to hold trans* affirming space, and how to show up for trans* allyship beyond performativity.

This will be an online learning opportunity for yoga teachers, healing space holders, care-givers, and anyone looking to broaden their understanding of gender and gender-based dynamics.

We’ll spend some time grounding, creating shared culture and frameworks, unpacking the difference between biological sex, gender, and sexual orientation, exploring pronouns, what to do when you mess up, and the nuances of the word trans*, along with actionable steps you can take to be an ally for trans* folks.

Social location, proximity to power, and intersectionality will be core themes woven throughout our time together.

The practice of allyship requires action—it requires a dedicated commitment to interrupting harm as it occurs, to understanding our own privileged identities, to centering impact over intent, and to investigating our internalized biases relating to gender assumptions and trans* identity.

Join me. Saturday, May 22nd, 9am-noon pacific / noon-3pm eastern.

Recordings will be available for anyone who isn’t able to attend live, and Zoom links will be sent by Friday, May 21st at 3pm pacific.

Registration closed at 3pm pacific on Friday, May 2st.

April 30

radical marketing for LGBTQIA+ yoga teachers.

June 19

LGBTQ+ equity-inclusion: Driftless Yoga Festival