Awareness around LGBTQ+ and especially transgender identity and language is a vital component for creating safer spaces. In order for us to heal, individually and collectively, and achieve liberation from oppressive structures, systems, and beliefs, we must break down, interrogate, and unpack our internalized cisgender heterosexual norms and assumptions.
You can’t just put “inclusive” on your door or in your marketing and then expect for folks to walk into your space and feel included. We have to do the work, build relationships, and engage in accountability.
In spite of the dominant cultural narrative that gender is inherently binary and predicated upon genitalia, the truth is that gender is a construct. Rather than seeing gender as a line with two opposing sides, what if we instead shift to see gender for what it really is: a spectrum with the potential for fluid movement.
It’s our work as individuals to believe people when they tell us who they are, and to slow down so we can be more thoughtful and inclusive with our language choices—in day to day life, and especially if we hold healing space through the practices of yoga or wellness.
How we center impact over intention, how we hold ourselves and one another accountable when harm does occur, and how we lean into repair, requires ongoing unlearning and a commitment to recognizing points of privilege and oppression.
Saturday, June 19th | Noon-3pm pacific
This workshop is part of the Driftless Yoga Festival, an equity-centered in-person and virtual yoga festival rooted at the intersection of yoga, social justice, and nature. I’m so honored to be participating in their amazing line-up of guest teachers.