Free Resources

  • Creating Effective Content Webinar

    A 90-minute on-demand webinar on how to create effective, meaningful marketing content. This approach emphasises skillful repurposing, blog considerations, social media, and more.

  • Authenticity & Your Marketing Webinar

    This hour-long on-demand webinar explores several ways to challenge common marketing tropes and discover greater alignment in our business strategies.

  • Re-imagining Marketing in 2024 Webinar

    This 90-minute on-demand webinar is co-facilitated with Brooke Monaghan. Join us as we talk about centering our values in our marketing, meeting the moment, and more.

  • Trans 101 Language & Terminology PDF

    An infographic detailing key terminology relating to gender, sex, gender expression, and sexuality, offering umbrella term exploration, pronouns, pathways for additional learning and more.

  • Trans 101 Further Learning PDF

    A complimentary resource to the Trans 101 on-demand webinar, this comprehensive though non-exhaustive list provides pathways for further learning related to trans identities and experiences, and solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community at large.

  • 8 Tips for Finding Your Voice in Your Marketing PDF

    Originally included with the Instagram 101 on-demand webinar, this PDF outlines practical considerations and practices to explore as you find your voice in your marketing.

  • Marketing Ecosystem PDF

    Created in collaboration with Brooke Monaghan as part of our programming for, this resource is intended to help entrepreneurs envision a holistic approach to their marketing.

work with me.

  • Get it Done Day

    Me + you working hands-on to tackle your most challenging marketing tasks—let’s refresh your website, create a marketing strategy, launch a podcast or book, clarify your offers, and more.

  • Get it Done 90

    An audit and strategy session where you can share your current marketing struggles and leave our time together with clarity and an understanding of how to move forward.

  • Event calendar

    Upcoming events, workshops, and trainings, including Creating Safer Spaces: Embodying your Commitment to Trans Inclusion, Conscious Marketing: Justice-focused Digital Strategies, and more.

  • On-demand trainings

    A selection of virtual trainings offered over the last year+, covering topics such as Conscious Marketing, Making Effective Content with More Ease, Authenticity & Your Marketing, Canva Creation, and more.

What people are saying


What people are saying +

Ann Abbey, Licensed Psychologist, MA, LLP, RYT

Tristan provided important learning to take me to the next level for the trans clients I work with in the therapy room and out in the world. I want everyone to work with them, and I want them to get paid more for their time!

Casey Carroll, co-owner and creative director of BWB

Tristan brings the house down with their wisdom, love, earnest drive for change, modeling, and highly skilled facilitation and teaching. Their work is truly transformational.